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Music – BMCC Open Educational Resources

Read “Pandemic Boost for Digital Course Materials” at Inside Higher Ed: “The COVID-19 pandemic created a breakthrough for digital materials generally and open educational resources in particular.”. The article summarizes and goes into the background of “Turning Point for Digital Curricula: Educational Resources in U.S. Higher Education, 2022” [PDF], a report from Bay View Analytics.

Here's another source from Iowa State University:


A collection of sheet music in the public domain, with accompanying biographical and historical information.

A text compiled from simple article overviews of music history and its movements. overs the Medieval and Renaissance, Baroque, Classical Genres, Classical Forms, Classical Composers, Early Romantic Era, Romantic Opera, Late Romantic Era, 20th Century: Impressionism, Expressionism, and Twelve-Tone, 20th Century: Introduction to Primitivism, Nationalism, and Neoclassicism, 20th Century: Aleatoric, Electronic, and Minimalist Music.

Music Theory

Open Music Theory is a natively-online open educational resource intended to serve as the primary text and workbook for undergraduate music theory curricula. OMT2 provides not only the material for a complete traditional core undergraduate music theory sequence, but also several other units for instructors who have diversified their curriculum, such as jazz, popular music, counterpoint, and orchestration.

This is a new edition of Open Music Theory, an open-source, interactive, online “text”book for college-level music theory courses. Currently in production with a projected completion date of Summer 2020.

Music Theory for the 21st–Century Classroom is an openly–licensed online four–semester college music theory textbook. This text differs from other music theory textbooks by focusing less on four–part (SATB) voiceleading and more on relating harmony to the phrase. This text is meant to take the student from the basics of reading and writing pitches and rhythms through twelve–tone technique and minimalism over the course of four semesters.

The Music Theory Materials website was created to provide materials – musical examples, videos, and handouts – that could be useful in music theory classes. The specific goal is to provide examples of full pieces of music that can be used in the study of musical form and analysis. The musical examples are presented as downloadable PDFs and audio files or as links to other sites that contain this information.

Published by Rice University, this text significantly expands upon "Introduction to Music Theory", but only covers the bare essentials. Music is a very large subject, and the advanced theory that students will want to pursue after mastering the basics will vary greatly.

Music Appreciation

Welcome to Resonances: Engaging Music in Its Cultural Context! Although this book is intended primarily for use in the college music appreciation classroom, it was designed with consideration for independent learners, advanced high school students, and experienced musicians.

This text provides just a small sampling of some of the various musical styles and traditions that might be found, though the skills developed in this course can be applied to any type of music.

With its innovative multimodal approach, Music on the Move invites readers to listen and engage with many different types of music as they read. The text introduces a variety of concepts related to music's travels—with or without its makers—including colonialism, migration, diaspora, mediation, propaganda, copyright, and hybridity. The case studies represent a variety of musical genres and styles, Western and non-Western, concert music, traditional music, and popular music.

The course is designed to give the student an appreciation of music by exposing them to many musical styles, composers, historical trends, as well as increasing their aural, verbal and writing skills in describing music.

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