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Wessels Library: Religious Diversity Week

Wessels Library is proud to be celebrating the different religions found on our campus and around the world. This guide provides an overview on the common world religions, their texts, community events, and further reading materials.

Other Ways to Get Involved

Local Churches, Mosques, and Synagogues:

Glory Tabernacle - Pentecostal Church | South Carolina | Glory Tabernacle

First Baptist Newberry - First Baptist Church, Newberry SC | Home

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer - The Lutheran Church of The Redeemer

Aveleigh Presbyterian Church - Aveleigh Presbyterian Church | Newberry, SC | ECO

St. Luke's Episcopal Church - St. Luke's Episcopal Church

St. Mark's Catholic Church - St. Mark Catholic Church Mass Times - Newberry, South Carolina

Wiles Chapel - 

Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim - Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim – Rooted Deeply. Growing Wisely. Cultivating Community.

Synagogue Emanu-El - Synagogue Emanu-El

Beth Shalom Synagogue - Beth Shalom Synagogue – Your Jewish Home in Columbia, SC

Central Mosque of Charleston - Central Mosque of Charleston – Welcome to CMC

Islamic Center of Columbia - Central Mosque of Charleston – Welcome to CMC


Things to Keep in Mind

Religious Diversity Week will be celebrated this year from March 24th-29th. This serves as a time for people to connect over their faiths, spending time examining the similarities and the differences. While talking about religion can be tricky, it is important to respect the differences and learn from other perspectives.

Books available through Wessels or Pascal

Event Calendar

Museums and Other Venues

Religious Databases

Orthodox Christian Churches and Resources

General Information on Orthodox Christianity

Educational Resources

Online Services & Prayers

Interfaith & Religious Diversity Resources

General Information on Faith and Texts

Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics | Pew Research Center – study conducted giving a snapshot of religion in the U.S. Statistics and different topics that can relate to religion.

Adults in South Carolina - Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics | Pew Research Center – Religion in SC.

The meaning behind the hijab, and what it signifies for Muslim girls – Clark Chronicle – Starts to wear this upon entering womanhood. “Hijab” means “veil” or “barrier.” There are rules around the wearing of the hijab, requiring all clothing to be modest and not revealing any part of the body, except the face and hands. Men also have modesty rules that they must follow, such as being covered from the navel to the knee and diverting their gaze away from women. Modesty is very important in Islam and is rewarded. Following these commands is about connecting to Allah. This article focuses on a group that meets regularly in Glendale to discuss the religion and curiosities around it. They discuss the hijab and how to implement it in a way that works for them, such as through wearing long sleeves instead of short sleeves and wearing hijabs in bright colors.

Hijab | Definition, Meaning, Veiling, & Characteristics | Britannica – while the concept of hijab is very central to Islam, it is not one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and it is now more based on choice. In other words, it is not required. It also depends on how Islamic Law is interpreted and location for women who choose whether or not to where the veil. It is important to note that veiling was done before Islam was widely practiced and is still done by some Christians and Jews today.

Importance of Hijabs and Headscarves in Islam | Muslim American – more information on the garments that are worn in Islam, such as the burqa, as well as the verses in the Quran that discuss modest dress for men and women.

What Is A Kippah? | My Jewish Learning – significance of the kippah/yarmulke (pronounced yamaka). In traditional Jewish communities, they are worn by men at all times. In non-Orthodox communities, men and women may cover their heads. Reform Judaism has also seen a lot of debate over the head covering, but many do agree on wearing one during religious observance. While this is not a requirement, it is seen as sign of reverence to God. Some where 2 head coverings, such as another hat over the kippah, as it important for some to be covered at ALL times.

What Does The Yamaka Symbolize? Understanding The Significance Of The Jewish Kippah - – in some settings, non-Jewish people will wear the yamaka as a sign of respect for the religion. The word “yamaka” comes from the Hebrew “yamuk,” which means “to be covered.” Came from the Talmud, a set of Jewish laws written from the 3rd to 5th century CE. It is meant to show reverence and commitment to God and is a symbol of humility in the faith. While the yamaka is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, the idea of honoring God by covering oneself is alluded to, with Moses doing so when God gave him the Ten Commandments. The yamaka also has similarities to the Muslim head covering for men. There is then a discussion of the different types of yamakas. Velvet ones are often worn for weddings and Bar Mitzvahs and are often embroidered. The yamaka also serves as a reminder of God’s presence and accountability for one’s actions. Wearing yamakas in certain colors also carries meaning. Black is often associated with mourning, but also remaining grounded in beliefs. Blue is associated with the sky and the divine and is also the color of the fringes on a Jewish prayer shawl. Color combinations are also used, such as blue and white symbolizing the connection between Heaven and Earth. The yamaka also has significance in culture, such as cultural identity that comes with being Jewish. A yamaka may also feature a depiction of Jerusalem or other holy sites. The material and designs have also evolved, with some being made of denim. The number 7 is also important in Judaism, as it symbolizes completion and fullness, so the yamaka may be divided into 7 sections. The number 9 is also significant, as half of the 18 squares is 9, which is associated with the Hebrew word for “life,” and is also significant to the Jewish religion, such as the 9 blessings in daily prayers.  The 10 panels are used to mirror the Ten Commandments and/or the Ten Attributes of God. As its wearing has moved into other cultures and styles, there have been new ways to accessorize it, such as with a kippah clip to add flair.

The Bible – the central book of Christianity that tells of the formation of the world from Genesis to the spread of Christianity in the first century A.D. The Old Testament and the New Testament have undergone changes over the century, including with the publication of the King James Bible in 1611. The Old Testament tells the story of creation through Noah and the flood, Moses, etc. It closes with the exile of the Jewish people to Babylon. Connection to Judaism – Old Testament is very similar to the Hebrew Bible. The earliest mention of Yahweh is believed to be in an inscription relation to King Moab in 9th century B.C. During the reigns of Hezekiah and Josiah, the Old Testament started to fully come together. Following the conquest of Alexander the Great, the Egyptian King Ptolemy ordered the Bible be translated into Greek. This became known as the Septuagint, which was read by the early Christians in Rome. The New Testament focuses on the life of Jesus and the early days of the Christian religion. The Gospels focus on the life of Jesus and the Epistles are the letters of Paul to the early Christian church. The Gospels started with Mark, followed by Matthew and Luke, and finished with John. There are some differences throughout, such as Matthew and Luke focusing more on the divinity of Jesus. There are also said to be two other sources, the M source, which inspired Matthew, and The Q source, which contained what Jesus said. Revelation tells of a final war through prophecy that Christians use to interpret current events considering the End Times. Some believe it was written in response to the Romans’ destruction of the temple and Jerusalem. In the 5th century, agreement came for the canon of the Bible. During the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, certain books, known collectively at the Apocrypha, were excluded from the Old Testament but still included in the Catholic Bible. There are also gnostic gospels, such as the Gospel of Mary, the Gospel of Thomas, etc., which can be seen as alternative views of gospel stories and testaments to the diversity among early Christians. The King James translation by King James I came under the result of Protestant and Calvinist pressure for a new translation and a desire for one that would unite those dealing with unrest. It was known for its use of common and easy language.

Torah - World History Encyclopedia – the central book of Judaism, containing the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible. Called the Pentateuch, which is Greek for 5 books. It talks about the creation of the world and the creation of the Jewish people. It covers creation until the time of the death of Moses. A breakdown is given of the different books and the structure, such as Genesis focusing on creation, Abraham, Jacob, and so on. In Deuteronomy, the conclusion is the death of Moses and the Israelites preparing to enter the Promised Land. There has been considerable debate on the authorship of the Torah. One popular theory is the Documentary Hypothesis, with 4 sources being the authors: J (Yahwist), E (Elohist), D (Deuteronomistic), and P (Priestly). This theory gives certain sections authorship by these groups. This has also faced challenges in recent years. The J source does stand for Yahweh, but it got its start in Germany, where the name is spelled with a Y. This authorship takes a focus on God's presence among humans and on the nation of Judah. E (Elohim) is the preferred name for God. This focuses on the Northern Kingdom of Israel and God's Word given through Abraham.

The 10 Largest Religions in the World - WorldAtlas - Major World Religions – Christianity (2.38 billion), Judaism (14 million), Hinduism (1.16 billion, Islam (1.90 billion), Buddhism (506 million), Shinto (104 million), Sikhism (25 million), Taoism (12 million), Confucianism (6 million), Caodaism (4.4 million). Christianity is practiced by over 30% of the population. It is made of 3 different groups – Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox. The teachings revolve around Jesus of Nazareth. Christianity is an Abrahamic religion, meaning it believes in one God, making it monotheistic. There is the belief in God taking on a representation of 3 persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, called the Trinity. Jesus is believed in as making eternal life possible through His death and resurrection. Islam was founded by the prophet Muhammad. Followers of Islam, called Muslims, are mainly found in Northern Africa, west Asia, and Indonesia. This religion is also monotheistic, and the prophet Muhammad sought to reform the Abrahamic religions. Islam is also divided into 2 types: Sunni and Shia. The religion focuses on discipline, such as through observing daily rites and prayers. It is important to know that Muslims have made many contributions to the world, such as through mathematics and architecture. Hinduism got its start between 2300 B.C. and 1500 BC. and is a sort of hodgepodge of different thoughts and philosophies. It is known as “the religion with 33 million gods.” However, many do focus on one central god while acknowledging that there are still other gods. There are central concepts, such as karma, which teaches that good and bad deeds will come back to you, and samsara, which teaches the cycle of life and concepts like reincarnation. Hinduism is also famous for bringing us yoga. Buddhism is based on the teachings of the Buddha, a prince who left his wealth behind in order to pursue wisdom. The idea behind the religion is finding a sense of purpose and knowledge. The belief is that the ultimate state of enlightenment, called Nirvana, through measures such as meditation and goodness toward others. The idea is that life has challenges, and that people are to eliminate suffering throughout life. There are two groups with this faith: Theravada ad East Asian. There is also significance to the color of orange, as it represents a fire that will cleanse the individual with it. Shintoism is commonly practiced in Japan and does not have a very clear doctrine or story behind it. Shinto is based on the idea of Kami, which are the “personified concepts” that is in trees, water, and other elements of the natural world. Christianity also has influence on Shintoism through the concept of an afterlife, with some believing that humans becoming Kami after their passing. It was established as a state religion after WWII to name the Japanese emperor a human kami. Since the 6th century, these believes have developed and have broken away from Buddhism and Confucianism. There is also a heavy focus on ancestry. Sikhism got its start by a man came to be called the “guru of Sikhism.” Guru Nanak, from Pakistan, began to share his teachings around areas with typically Muslim or Hindu populations. The basic teachings are sharing with others, living in a way that is moderate, reflection on God, and to fight off bad behaviors. Their belief is in “universal egalitarian principles” and that all worship one divine being. One way they live out their faith is through community kitchens.  Judaism is the original Abrahamic religion. The religion has been active for over 350,000 years. There is archaeological evidence of two Jewish Kingdoms and 12 tribes claiming being descendancy from Abraham. This religion is also monotheistic, worshipping one God, calling Him Yahweh and being faithful to Him as His chosen people. Jewish people have faced severe persecution over the years, particularly during World War II. However, the faith has persisted, with 14 million practitioners worldwide. Taoism is called the “one-size-fits-all” belief. It is a set of principles to bring followers to a place of balance. The two central figures of the faith are the Tao and Laozi, a contemporary of Confucius. Laozi referred to the Tao as intangible and could only be acquired through living. It is not directly worshipped but instead seen as the central life force. The practice of this is very passive, with is the main difference it has with Confucianism. Confucianism is very intentional and seeks to understand an impersonal universe. Humans are to become one with the universe in order to become one with Heaven. The order of the universe is given by Tian, which can be translated as “the way things are.” Confucianism is also very focused on morality and the idea that humans are essentially good. There are currently over 6 million followers in the faith. Caodaism has elements of many of the world’s faiths. It got its start in 1921 from the visions of a group of mediums in Vietnam. Nearly 4.4. million practice the religion, which emphasizes harmony, relationship with one God, reincarnation, and anti-materialism. There are also several different “creator spirits.” They believe one achieves heaven through the soul growing through good works and reincarnation.

BBC - Religions - Hinduism: Scripture - source on Hindu scriptures. The Vedas are the most ancient of the texts. They came to be between 1200-200 BCE and were passed on orally for many years. These scriptures are thought to be directly from God. It is sometimes referred to as shruti, which means hearing. There are four major parts of the Vedas. The Samhitas are hymns of praise, the Brahmanas are rituals and prayers that are meant to guide priests, the Aranyakas deal with worship and meditation, and the Upanishads discuss the mystical and philosophical components of the religion. There are four Samhitas: the Rig-Veda Samhitas give praise to the most ancient gods, the Yajur-Veda Samhita is a handbook that priests can use when conducting sacrifices, Sama-Veda Samhita gives songs and chants to be sung and recited during sacrifices, and Atharva-Veda Samhita goes back to the ancient traditions of the religion. The Upanishads were given their name because they were obtained by practitioners who learned directly from a teacher, which opened up the philosophy to everyday worshippers. A central component is brahman, which is the life force of the reality. The Upanishads also got their start in the oral tradit0on. When they were transferred to the written form, they were written partly in verse and partly in prose. The Bhagavad Gita translates to "The Song of the Lord" and is from the world's longest poem, the Mahabharata, which discusses the war on the house of Baharata and is a conversation on the importance of faith between a warrior and his charioteer. This is considered smitri, which means that the text and traditions are preserved through memory. Finally, the Ramayana tells of the exile of Prince Rama and his family, their capture by the demon Ravana, and his eventual rescue. This is equivalent to the moral of good winning over evil.

What is Buddhism? - BBC Bitesize - the Buddhist holy text is called the Tipitaka, which translates to "three baskets," as the original writings were made on palm tree leaves ad placed in baskets. The text contains the teaching of Buddha, also known as Siddhattha Gotama, and others, commentary on these teachings, and rules for monks to follow. This book is considered to be truth, or "dharma." Gotama became the Buddha after encountering suffering outside of his privileged life. He spent time in meditation and became the Buddha, which means "the enlightened one." His teachings include the Four Noble Truths and separate way of living called The Noble Eightfold Path.

What Are the 4 Noble Truths of Buddhism? - information on the previously mentioned Four Noble Truths of Buddhism. The truths are seen as "hypotheses" that are to be tested throughout life. The truths are realized and achieved by following the Eightfold Path. The First Truth is typically referred to as "life is suffering," as this is what the word "dukkha" translates to in English. However, this is not to say this is the exclusive meaning, as "dukkha" can also mean that something is temporary, whether that be good or bad things. The Second Truth points to the cause of suffering, which is greed. The problem is that we get attached to the things that we desire. The Third Truth gives a solution, which is to let go of the desires that weigh us down. The Fourth Truth is that the Eightfold Path is what allows people to let go and live well.

Eightfold Path: The Way to Enlightenment in Buddhism - basics that Buddhists follow in their everyday lives: "right view -" which is understanding the reality around oneself, "right intention -" which is wanting to achieve enlightenment for unselfish reasons, "right speech -" which calls for speech with compassion, "right action -" which calls for compassionate actions, "right livelihood -" making an honest living, "right efforts -" which calls for cultivating qualities, "right mindfulness" - an awareness of mind and body, and "right concentration -" such as meditation.